Zion Church
Prayer Line Calls

Want to join our live prayer call or want a daily devotional message?

Call into the group prayer line and a prayer leader will be on the line waiting for you

daily from 6:00am-6:30am ET

717-908-1834 access code 414027#

If you missed the live prayer call, use the following to hear the previously recorded session.
717-908-1837 access code 414027#
Would you like 1-on-1 prayer with a member of our Prayer Team?
Use THIS LINK to request and someone will reach out to pray with you.
For all other prayers please post to our prayer wall below and allow the Zion community to pray for you.

Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

April Ademiluyi

I need prayer to save me from the retaliation I am enduring because I chose to blow the whistle on the illegal conduct of my colleague. This colleague has built a conspiracy among my colleagues and others to try to destroy my career and reputation. I have a public trial coming up where this conspiracy to destroy me in every way possible will continue. At this public trial, my colleague who has tormented and lied on me is going to continue his efforts all to help my other colleague who I blew the whistle on retaliate against me. I fought hard to get to this position. It is a position of tremendous public service, trust, and power. I am an arbiter of justice. And the people put me in this position. I blew the whistle on my colleague’s illegal behavior because she was betraying the public trust and a threat to my ability to serve God. I believe the Lord called me to blow the whistle on my colleague. I need to stay strong in my faith. I work with integrity. But So far it’s been hard. I need prayers that the Lord deliver me as he did Daniel from the Lion’s Den. I need prayers that the Lord will protect me while I do what the Lord called me to do.

Received: April 15, 2024