Zion Church
Prayer Line Calls

Want to join our live prayer call or want a daily devotional message?

Call into the group prayer line and a prayer leader will be on the line waiting for you

daily from 6:00am-6:30am ET

717-908-1834 access code 414027#

If you missed the live prayer call, use the following to hear the previously recorded session.
717-908-1837 access code 414027#
Would you like 1-on-1 prayer with a member of our Prayer Team?
Use THIS LINK to request and someone will reach out to pray with you.
For all other prayers please post to our prayer wall below and allow the Zion community to pray for you.

Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


I pray the blood of Jesus over Julie the social worker at my dialysis center. She keeps telling me one thing and doing another and giving me information that is not accurate. Her attitude would tend me to believe that she's either jealous of me or she's bigoted. I don't know what her problem is but I leave it in the Lord's hands and I ask the power of Jesus who is above all who sits at the right hand throne of God I claim his promise and his power and ask him to wash his blood over this situation in all ways and over all things. Thank you Father for your promise and I believe in your power and your promise. Amen!

Received: June 4, 2023