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Please pray for me family this has been a stressful week! I’m a single mom to a 10yr, 2yr and 11 mnth old I’ve been having car issues and financially not in a space to get the work done right away and that’s my only means of transportation. Yesterday and today i was picking my small children up from the sitter and my car cut off in traffic more than one time and I’m terrified at what can possibly happen but i have to go to work so i can keep a roof over our heads. I don’t want to become overwhelmed with the situation but it’s hard to stop thinking about it. I also received a phone call my grandmother was rushed to the hospital because she was barely breathing Thursday night found out she has the flu but i can’t go check on her and make sure she’s alright because my car situation is a mess right now and no one is available to keep an eye on the little ones for me. Family please just keep my family in your prayers over the next few days we would greatly appreciate it. Love you Zion family