Zion Church
Prayer Line Calls

Want to join our live prayer call or want a daily devotional message?

Call into the group prayer line and a prayer leader will be on the line waiting for you

daily from 6:00am-6:30am ET

717-908-1834 access code 414027#

If you missed the live prayer call, use the following to hear the previously recorded session.
717-908-1837 access code 414027#
Would you like 1-on-1 prayer with a member of our Prayer Team?
Use THIS LINK to request and someone will reach out to pray with you.
For all other prayers please post to our prayer wall below and allow the Zion community to pray for you.

Prayer Wall

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


I need prayer BAD, i have hateful ways do to me being so stomped on growing up, people who you thought was your family and friends betrayed me. I carried my hateful ways growing up. When someone does me wrong i say things bad to them instead of praying. I want to pray i can move pass my hateful ways, learn to forgive and just move forward.

Received: November 14, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I pray Father God, through our Lord Jesus Christ that you reach out your hands over all the gossips where I live especially Amy and sow seeds of faith in them so they stop their hateful words and jealous and lying behavior. I forgive them Father and I ask that you plant seeds of faith in them so they will be troubled and recognize their wrongdoings and stop. I ask blessings upon them. I pray and ask these things in your name Father God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen I give thanks and praise for answering my prayers just as you will this one. Bless the Lord, Oh! My Soul! Bless His Holy name

Received: November 11, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Hello All. Please pray for me as I have a medically necessary surgical procedure this morning. Also, please pray for my daughters. One is away at college, and the other was having challenges which was causing her to be rebellious. Pray that their relationship with one another can be mended.

Received: November 11, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd, I pray you bring back your prodigal Catherine. Heal her from her disease, but even more important show her how much you love her that she'll return into your loving arms. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

Received: November 10, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Father God I Declare Divine Breakthroughs and financial blessings be provided for Leland to obtain & maintain steady full time employment, housing & transportation needs. Praying for Gods protection & favor to be upon him to keep him encouraged and positively moving forward.

Received: November 10, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I pray for my brothers, sisters, and cousins that they stop doing evil to me. I pray this in name of God my Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Received: November 10, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Asking for prayer for breakthrough in my finances and an opportunity to get a new job within the government. Also pray for my 10 year old son to regulate his emotions and control his behavior in school. He has ADHD and at times I feel overwhelmed and alone. My coworker John who suffered a severe stroke that he can recover and strength for his family. Lastly, I’m praying that God will dismantle a connection with someone romantically who I should not be with.

Received: November 10, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I pray for my cousin who has covid. I ask divine healing from Our Lord Jesus upon them and I ask they not get covid again. I pray healing over my brother Charles who says mean and hurtful things to me after he does something nice for me and takes opportunity to name call me in a very hateful and unexpected way during phone conversations. I pray and ask that this stop because I can't talk with him on the phone, in text, or in person. His behavior is just something I can't tolerate and I still love him because he is my brother. I pray these things in the name of Father God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit with humility and gratitude. Amen

Received: November 9, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I pray divine help and abundance upon me so that I have an overflowing of abundance so that I can not only fulfill my needs but I have enough besides to help others. I pray love,peace, and protection upon me from jealous people or those seeking to manipulate or profit at my expense. I ask blessings of divine health, well- being, and victory over any and all health issues, or spiritual attacks from evil sources I pray blessings of strength, fortitude, and unwavering confidence against any opposition and pray the elimination of all obstacles. I pray and ask all these things in the name of God my Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Comforter the Holy Spirit with humility and gratitude. Amen

Received: November 9, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I pray for the mgmt at my apt complex and for the maintenance staff. I realize times have been tough since covid and ask God bless all these people.i ask for blessings of the divine Father,Son,and Holy Spirit upon these people. I pray this with humility and gratitude. Amen

Received: November 9, 2022