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daily from 6:00am-6:30am ET
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You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
First I want to thank God for all His blessings He has done for me. Short version: When I thought I wouldn't get approve for a home I did back in January of this year. When I say God has blessed me He did. My new home is in the process of being built. My God My God! I always put God first in everything I do. I ask for prayer that during the final stages of the home being finished and my process of what I will have to do that it will all go as God's plan. I'm debt free only have a car payment and minor bills. I thank God so much for that. I'm known for giving people nicknames even things I have. I have name my new home Ruth. I love the story of Ruth. As I tell people this is God's home I'm just borrowing it. I've been on my job now for 13 years and I'm meeting with my supervisor to discuss my position and a promotion. I ask for prayer that when I meet with my supervisor that God will be my tongue and speak for me during our meeting and that my supervisor would consider me being promoted. I ask for prayer for my son Michael that his stress worries depression is removed. He has a baby girl on the way and he's trying so hard to make sure all is okay before she arrives. I pray for a breakthrough for Michael. I pray that my family will get back to being close like they use to. We all need each other. I pray that God will continue to bless me to help others. I pray that as I continue to study the bible that I will understand the word. I know the closer I've been getting to God the enemy has been trying to get me off track but I know where my help and strength comes from and I will continue to worship and trust in the Lord. Thank you so much and blessings to you all.
Praise the LORD Zion church!One of the very harmful side effects of the pandemic was that people were no longer able to efectionately able to touch each other give each other a hug especially us church folk!When you are homeless those are hard to come by anyway but when i come to the library and see you wrote me tell me care and are praying for me that is just the touch i need i feel it is right from GOD!GOD richly bless you and thank you brother Danny 8/2/21 p.s asking prayer for strength
Dear Zion Church,
Please pray for healing for my brother, Charles with Stage IV colorectal cancer. We pray for GOD's healing powers and miracles and the Holy Spirit to heal him. We know God is above doctors, nurses and any other practitioner and if two or more are in agreement it will be done. Our Father has the control and power to change things and I ask prayer warriors for healing my brother.
Thank you and I pray God's covering and blessings over your life.
Praying for financial blessings in so much debt stress out please pray for me my daughter in need college supplies in money pay her college tuition
Please pray that I would have kids.
Please pray for my sister health and her husband spiritual growth.
Pray for her children health.
HELPS AMBER G Father-God, Manage her Anxiety Attacks, when she had them?? at home, in public and at School we don't know what causing them??
lN JESUS Name Amen
Father-God, This Thursday July 29, 2021, 10:45 Am,
Ms I. Torres is going to see, her doctor, to see how her health is doing, Over ALL. Ex-ray, NEEDS be done on her head will, be Done, to see how it is, to see What's Casing her Head Pain, (WE) Hope it's Nothing Serious, Father-God, Helps her, Their Children NEED their Mother??
Ms. I. Torres.
In JESUS Name Amen
I was diagnosed with blood cancer about a year ago at the age of 38. I am so confused because it is typically a disease for people over the age of 65. I feel robbed of my life and terrified of moving forward. Please pray for my strength and healing.
My marriage has been on an emotional roller coaster for the last year and a half. I feel like I have been doing what God's word calls me to do and yet we are no closer to reconnecting than before. I am asking for prayers to draw us closer to God and each other, to break the soul ties that were created that are preventing us from reconnecting, for our strength, dedication to our union, peace and wisdom. Pray that God's will be done in our lives.
Thank you
Please pray for me.
My marriage is ending and I feel broken and scared.
Pray for strength, patience and a replenishment of love in my heart.
Thank you.